Delphi Survey V4 2030

Delphi Survey V4 2030

Delphi survey “V4 2030 Sustainable Innovation Pathways towards post-COVID recovery” has started on 8 April 2022. Experts from various fields from the Visegrad region have been invited to participate in the survey that will last at least until 24th April 2022. 

The aim of the study is to assess the trends which can influence the sustainable development within the Visegrad Group in the future. Experts will also analyze enablers and blockers of these trends, i.e. issues that could accelerate the trends or slow them down. The outcomes of this assessment will help inform the V4 states of the ways and factors that can facilitate sustainable development. The study is handled by a consortium consisting of 4CF, a Polish strategic foresight company, Corvinus University of Budapest, Palacky University Olomouc, and University of Economics in Bratislava. 

Real-time Delphi survey, the method used in this study, is one of the basic tools of foresight. Throughout the survey, experts provide their assessments of a set of research questions and discuss their stances with each other. The Delphi method allows to gather opinions of experts anonymously, which reduces potential bias, and to discuss and reflect on the issues asynchronously.

The results of the Delphi survey will be presented and discussed during the upcoming project event in mid-June. Please let us know if you wish to attend the event at: 

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